Monday, January 25, 2021

Turn Back Time

 We have a lot of clocks. This is a favorite. (Sorry about the glare. I needed a photo, or another day would go by without writing.)  Several of the antique clocks need some loving care, and don't always keep the time. Many years ago when I worked at the Flynn Mansion at Living History Farms, we had five clocks, and I wound them every morning. Listening to the tick tocks and the chimes marked my days at work for nearly fifteen years. I hope to get the clocks fixed here at some point. Right now I suppose that they are the way they should be. I never seem to know what time it is anymore. Or what day it is. Or even what year it is. In many ways it seems like time has stood still. And yet, it goes by so quickly. I feel like the holidays passed by this year, and weren't even celebrated.
We did a partial kitchen remodeling in December. It was supposed to happen in January, but you never want to argue with a contractor when he wants to start early! So I spent more time moving things around than I did decorating.

The old floor had probably been here for many years. In fact, I had the same floor in another color installed in my first house! We changed both the kitchen and entry. We also redid the countertops and installed a new sink.

The kitchen was light blue. We changed it to a yellow gold and I am very happy with it now. (It doesn't actually look like either of these pictures. It is a much softer yellow.) The painting was done by John's son Eddie when he was still in school. It had to stay, but that's ok, because I like it. We have a few more of his paintings here. He is a very talented artist. He has done large interior murals for two of the restaurants in Des Moines.

I'm still finishing. It was a very crowded kitchen, and right now, I am enjoying the empty spaces. Little by little, and bit by bit, I am feeling that this house has more of my own style. It is not an easy process, even though John is very encouraging. I don't want to take away a family's memories, but I also want to make new ones.
Oh, and we did have Christmas. Even though we were the only ones who saw it. Next year I am hoping for Christmas Mass and wild and crazy gift unwrapping with lots of people. And hugging!

Covid 19 has been with the world for almost a year.  It has changed the way we shop, travel, see our friends and spend precious and irreplaceable hours with our families. We seldom see our grandchildren in person, and when we do, they have gotten so much older, and taller, and so quickly. I would really like to slow down time where the little ones and the young men and women are concerned. I feel like everyone is growing up without me. 

I heard lately that we should start the year over with February. I think I will do that in my head. I have spent most of January watching news programs in disbelief and wondering where this country is going. Here at home, it has been a month of computer snafus, and lost items, and things never quite happening the way I expect them to happen. Except for the Inauguration, most of January hasn't been what I wished for.