Christmas 2020
Christmas is near so I think it is time
To try to make another rhyme
A year has gone by and the time has flown
This was a year like we’ve never known
We’ve been through a storm and it wasn’t just weather
But we have learned the value of being together
We have work-at-home, school-at-home, shop-at-home tasks
With circles and bubbles and zoom calls and masks
Our first year of marriage was not quite as planned
I thought we would travel and see more of this land
Instead we stayed home, watched a lot of tv
We think “old people romance” is a good place to be
Blending a family can be a real test
But lucky for us, we both got the best
We’d love the idea of some big family cheer
But we are socially distanced so it won’t be this year
Our grandchildren range from young men to just tots
Thirteen of them now-Sounds like a lot!
And now here we are, at the close of the year
Hoping that normal is once again near.
Stay home and Stay Safe. Things will get better
Merry Christmas to All. That’s the end to this letter
Virtual Hugs from Sandi and John