We never knew that Rich saved quarters. But, there they were, in his apartment, thousands and thousands of them. I don't think he ever spent one. When Jim took them to the bank, he wheeled the giant jars in on a furniture dolly. I can't remember how much money there was, but I know it added up to a few thousand dollars. Everything is pretty blurry about that time, even now.
Soon I started to find quarters. At first I thought it was a coincidence. But before too long, I knew that my boy was sending me messages that everything was okay. I didn't save the first ones, but after a while I started putting them aside. Now I really wish I had written down when and where I found them.
The quarters started to show up in unusual places. There was one right outside the door of the funeral home on the morning of his service. It was September 27, 2010. It was his funeral and also his birthday. For a while I was finding them every week or two. They still show up, but are less frequent now. Usually I will find one every few months. Always when I need a little reassurance, or am missing him even more than usual, I will find a quarter.
Often I would find them on the floor of a room I had just walked through. All of a sudden a shiny coin would just pop up. Magazines and books are a popular spot. Once there was one on a stairway, I had just crawled up while playing with a grandchild. Driveways and parking lots are popular places. One time, in a grocery store, there was a coin in a basket of boxes of crackers. I took the coin, and replaced it with one from my purse.
There are a few rules. (I always love rules) The coin has to be by itself, not part of somebody's spilled change. When I was House Mom at the fraternity house I was always finding quarters in the laundry room because the machines were coin operated. I never counted those.
I save them all now in a wooden box. I have 102 coins and a quarter shaped button (???). I know there have been more.
Many things have happened for me during the years. I lost Jim a few months later. For a long time I felt I was living in a continual fog. I changed jobs and changed houses. I moved several times. Now I am moving again. I was lucky enough to find love again and married John almost four years ago. This is the first home that John and I have had together. On September, the anniversary of Rich's death, John spotted a quarter in our driveway. Happy Birthday, Rich. I know you are always here.