I am not depressed. I am not bored, or sad, or miserable. But I seem to have caught a slight case of the January Crankies. And I'm afraid that they come with a side of Crabbiness. And they are topped with a great big dollop of The Blahs. I'm really not sure why, because January is a month that I enjoy. I like the slower pace. I like to make lists, and to start new calendars. I like putting Christmas away, and enjoying the empty spaces before I start to decorate for another holiday.
But this year, none of that is working. I go shopping because I want something different. But then I just walk around the stores and come home with nothing, because nothing is what appeals to me most. I want to make wonderful meals, but I don't want to think about food. I feel ready to start that January fitness program, but lately my body feels better when I don't exercise. I want to start new creative projects, but not just yet. I have books to read, but none of them is the right one.
For several years, I have picked a word of the year. Some of my words have been Discover, Intention, Create, Magic, Wonder, Positivity, Organize, Mindfulness, and Minimize. This year my word is Curate, but I am starting to think it should be Wonky.
Maybe I have just needed this time to hibernate and recharge. And also to nap. I have always thrived on late nights and coffee. I notice I don't recover as well as I used to. Maybe this is my year to re-evaluate and change some of my goals. I can feel a tiny, little list forming in my head. All is well.