Thursday, October 13, 2022

Excuses, Excuses


Hello there.

I like to think that I have been on sabbatical. I’m pretty sure this is my longest space between posting. Maybe it’s my gap year. I have actually been very busy. I just haven’t taken the time to document anything. There was a time when I journaled several times a week. And now I have dozens of handwritten notebooks that I wonder whether to keep. Or whether to discard. I really don’t want them to be read. But, at the same time, I don’t want to erase anything I’ve written, just in case it turns out to be clever. Mostly it isn’t. Sometimes I think that I write more when things are not going well. I guess that is why I am not so prolific lately. I’m just so darned happy.


1.  I moved my computer to my “dedicated office” upstairs. I know that should make it easier, but for some reason, if I make a change, then I completely get out of the habit of a thing. This goes for dieting, and exercising, too. I’m good just as long as I keep to the path.

2  There just aren’t enough hours in the day. I used to think I would have more time when I got older. The truth is this:  I do a lot less, but it takes more time to do everything.

3\.I go out to lunch a lot

4. .  I have been on a few mini vacations. Many more than usual. Texas with friends. South Carolina to visit my sisters. Galena with more friends. Lutsen Resort in Minnesota with family. Several times to Clear Lake (Our Happy Place) Kansas City with more family. And a trip to California is coming up soon. All of these adventures would have made beautiful blog posts. There is no excuse.                                                                                                   

5.       A First Communion, Eighth grade graduation, High School Graduation, College Graduation, Iowa State Fair, an Anniversary and a family reunion.                                                                                                                                                                    

6.      .Two major allergy attacks. I’ve given more blood and had more testing than anyone should. There are still only guesses about why this happens. I have become close personal friends with an epi-pen over the years. I have finally learned to give myself the shot at the first sign of trouble. I’m learning a lot about histamines and mast cells and thinking they might be where the answer is. I would show a photo but it really isn't pretty. John says my face turns from Dr. Jekyll to Mrs. Hyde.

7.     .I have started working a couple of times a week at Brass Armadillo. Unfortunately, I want to shop whenever I’m there. My plan is to buy less and sell more, but I haven’t perfected that plan yet.                                                                                                        

8.     I may be lazy.   




1 comment:

  1. You are sincerely hilarious. Charming and witty. I am so happy you were able to come to the Ode to the Sea Performances. Keep writing!
