"The old year is worn and tired.
Time now to kiss it goodbye.
Take with you its wisdom-the authority
and the power of all you have learned.
Remember the past year with love,
but let go of its despair.
Live the year that lies ahead
with fresh energy and hope.
Be strong, have courage.
It is time for something new.
(An antique postcard)
I can't help it. The end of a year always makes me feel a little bit melancholy. 2024 was a good year. I have had some that were not, but not for a while. Every day I am grateful that I was able to start my second story with John. We both know that we were lucky to find true love, not once, but twice. And the simple things are the most important.
We had a good Christmas. It was another year that had a late start. We celebrated with John's family on the 27th and with mine on the 28th. There are just too many of us to do it all together! We did manage to get some pictures, but they are all on someone else's cameras.
For a happy New Year, open your door at midnight to let the old year out and the new year in. This is another of those customs that originated in Ireland.
In some countries it is believed that one should eat 12 grapes as the clock strikes twelve o'clock.
Sometimes I am not awake or I'm busy writing in my journal, so I miss midnight completely. Tonight the two of us will be eating pizza and watching British tv. It has been awhile since we've been to a New Year's Eve party.
As the year comes to an end, I want to thank those of you who read my December daily posts, and especially the friends who liked or commented. It was a challenge I made to myself to see if I was able to write everyday. I usually think I need to "be inspired" to be able to write, and now I know that I can write even if there is nothing in my head but sugarplums when I sit down to the computer. I know I won't blog every day, but I am hoping I can keep posting on a much more regular basis. I am so very grateful for your encouragement.
In times gone by, the men went calling on the ladies on New Year's Day. The visits were short and expressed good wishes for the coming year.