A Christmas Wish:
This day and tomorrow and always
As all through your lifetime you go
May your stockings be filled with good fortune
With never a hole in the toe.
Hurry and hang your stocking if you haven't done it yet. Santa will probably leave an orange and maybe some chocolate coins. At one time he left "clear toys" which were bright candies I read about in a book by Tasha Tudor. I think there was only one place they could be ordered from, so Santa really had to be on top of things to get them in time for Christmas. Stockings when I was younger and then when my children were small were filled with good treats and toys. I firmly believe that stockings are not for the practical. When I first got married many years ago, my new husband did not understand the stocking concept. He had gotten them while growing up but I'm pretty sure they were filled with socks and underwear. John, my newest husband never hung stockings when he was a child. I was astounded. No stocking! It's the best part of Christmas. For a few years, I gave my three young sisters money and had them shop for my stocking stuffers. As they all got older we filled stockings for each other. They were little things, some pretty, some funny, and some very funny. One year a sister managed to fill water guns, and when we opened them, we had a squirt gun fight. Another year I bought everyone bright red whistle lips. We also got notebooks, and pens, makeup, jewelry, and all sorts of surprises. It was so much fun, but eventually they all moved away, and we discontinued it.
Lucky for me, my girls were old enough by that time to be initiated into the Stocking Stuffers Secret Society. We manage to get together at our family celebrations to open our stuffers. It's still my most fun and favorite tradition.
I used to hang stockings for everyone as we kept adding to the family. At one time we had eleven stockings hanging and a Santa bag for the eight grandchildren. Once we started to lose some of our dear ones, I didn't have the heart to hang stockings at Christmas. If I started again we would have seventeen adults and thirteen grandchildren. So I guess that is one tradition I won't bring back. The stuffers with my girls will keep on going forever!
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