Wednesday, October 13, 2021

October the Thirteenth: Books and Quotes #Blogtober2021

 This is one of my favorite pieces of furniture. Supposedly, it was originally in the library at Iowa State University. I'm not sure that is true, but it could have been. The top part has holes for rods to hold periodicals, but I don't usually use them. Most of the time, I have seasonal books on the top shelf. The second shelf slants, and there are several dividers. It had to be in storage when I lived at the frat house, and it was one of the first things I brought here when I moved. I have most of my furniture now. It's amazing how much I missed it when I didn't have it. Our house is much more crowded than I'd like. We are still trying to decide what stays and what goes. And where it will go. And what would we replace it with? I am living with a lot of furniture that isn't what I would ever choose. And he is probably thinking the same about some of the quirky pieces that I have brought in . We are making it work...sort of.

This was going to be about books. Yesterday the newest Alice Hoffman book came out. I pre-ordered it, so I was able to start reading it today. It is the fourth and final book about the fictional Owens family. I already wrote about this a few days ago. The movie, "Practical Magic" was based on one of the books. I'm afraid I was pretty useless today. I spent most of it lost in a book. I love her writing. When I read her books, I find myself going back and reading sentences again, just because they are so wonderfully written. 

"Life was like a book, Jet thought, but one you would never finish. You would never know how people would wind up; the good often suffered and the wicked prospered and there was no explanation for the way in which fate was meted out as there was in a novel. Fiction made sense of the world."  The Book of Magic by Alice Hoffman

 I have another favorite book quote. This one is from Elizabeth Goudge's book, " A City of Bells":

"In my experience when people once begin to read they go on. They begin because they think they ought to and they go on because they must. Yes. They find it widens life. We're all greedy for life, you know, and our short span of existence  can't give us all that we hunger for, the time is too short and our capacity not large enough. But in books we experience all life vicariously"

Well, that is all for Day 13. I am going to bed early tonight. With a Book.

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