Tuesday, October 12, 2021

October the Twelfth: Oh, Happy Day #blogtober2021


     Today is our second anniversary. It was a pretty quiet day since John is still recovering from his surgery. I was surprised by a dozen beautiful roses.  

We have a wonderful, magical love story. I think it is probably made better because we are only young at heart. When we got married, he was seventy-five and I was seventy. Such babies! John and I first knew each other many years ago when our children were young. We belonged to the same parish, and our kids went to school together. We saw each other  at school functions, parties, and ball games. We were part of the same group of friends. My first husband Jim had also attended grade school with John and his wife, Candy.   We have a long history.

Fast forward many years. We both had long, happy marriages. But as life happens, things don't always turn out the way we think they should. We both lost our spouses, and we both lost an adult son. I worked at a funeral home, and it seemed that we were both running into one another at family funerals, and funerals for friends. We were Facebook friends. He left comments that he enjoyed reading my blog. I guess the way to my heart was through funerals and Facebook. One day, out of the blue, I got an instant message, asking if I would go to dinner with him. One year from our first date he asked me to marry him. He says that I said "Are you serious?" Twice. Actually, I was worried that he had fallen. He was walking across the room, and all of a sudden he was on one knee, proposing. Old People Romance.

We got married the next October. Originally we thought we would wait longer to give everyone time to get used to the idea. And then we remembered this is an old people love story. We had a perfect, low key wedding in a beautiful house. Everything was lovely. And now we are living happily ever after.





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