Thursday, October 28, 2021

October the Twenty Eighth: Patience with the Patient #Blogtober2021


Today was a good day for John. It has been four weeks since his surgery, and he was able to stop wearing the very bulky and cumbersome sling. It has been his almost constant companion for the last month. He was supposed to remove it only for his exercise time, and he was really pretty good about it.

The first week after the surgery was pretty rough. He says that he wouldn't choose to do this again. I had an idea that it wouldn't be an easy recovery, but he really expected to be back to normal in three or four days. It's taken a bit longer than that, but it has been sooner than originally expected. At first, we thought he would have the sling until mid November. He started physical therapy last week. He'll be going three times a week for a while, but I think it is a real help. A lot of the exercises he has to do remind me of my Pilates classes. There's a lot of stretching, and working with range of motion. Both help to correct muscle balance, improve posture, balance, coordination, strength, and flexibility.

Tonight we went for a drive. I didn't have to be the driver. That was wonderful for both of us. John loves to drive, and that was one of the hardest parts of recovery. And the pain, because there has been a lot of pain.

He's very independent, and has been a good patient. This is fortunate for me, since my nursing skills are pretty limited! 

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