Monday, October 25, 2021

October the Twenty Fifth: Pumpkins #Blogtober2021

 Pumpkins do not grow on trees. But this time of year, I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Actually, I just saw a photo of a tree along a sidewalk decorated with all sizes of pumpkin trick-or-treat baskets. And pumpkins on porches. And pumpkins along walkways. And pumpkins of every shape and size and color. I feel a little guilty that I haven't bought a single pumpkin this year. One just doesn't make a statement, and it does seem that this year is all about the abundance.


This is not my house.

This is also not my house. Mine is the one you will see without a single pumpkin. I am feeling the shame tonight, but I stand by my decision.
Does anyone still make jack-o-lanterns the old fashioned carving a pumpkin way? I haven't done one for quite a while, but I did come across a few hints that sounded like good ideas. I read that cutting a hole in the back of your pumpkin first makes it easier to clean. The cap stays on. I really liked the info to slice the bottom off the pumpkin, then clean it out and carve it and set the candle inside. Once again, the top stays on. I'm a little leery of hint number three, but I would love to know if it works. This one involves cutting the lid, and then taking a portable electric mixer, and whirling it around the inside. All the seeds and gooey innards, are supposed to stick to the whisk beaters, and come out very neatly. In my mind's eye, it just doesn't work that way. I don't want to try it, but would love to see it. I'm sure there is a video somewhere.
I can't even think about Halloween without reliving my years as a fraternity house mom. My "young men" got very excited about the holiday one year and bought several pumpkins and had a carving party. They put all the pumpkins on the front steps. I thought it was so sweet. The next day an administrator or board member drove by the house, and before I knew it we had a big scandal. A few of the carvings weren't as innocent as they should have been. For several days there was a lot of  talk about expelling some of the artists and closing down the House. After that I kept a lot closer eye on pumpkin decorating. Every year there was a big Halloween party with some pretty crazy costumes and more glitter than I had ever seen. Sometimes I miss those boys.
Although I don't have outdoor pumpkins this year, I do have some inside my house. Part Two will be coming soon.

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