Saturday, August 10, 2024

75 AT 75 Part One

 July was my birthday month. Yes, the older I get the more days I feel the need to celebrate and to share the things I've learned through the many years.  So here are "Seventy five at Seventy Five. A Compendium of helpful hints and Useless Information"

Several years ago I attempted to write a list of 100 Things About Me--after seeing it several times on a favorite website. I only got to 25! So this time I am dividing my list into two parts. As usual in my writing, these wise words are in no particular order.

1.  Stop expecting people to be surprised when you tell them your age. It usually doesn’t happen any more.

2.    Put a few drops of essential oil on a felt table/chair protector and stick it inside a lid (drawers, cupboards, small trash can, box, etc.) They never stick to the chairs legs, but are wonderful little scent keepers for other things,

3.    Don’t spend a lot of time picking out gifts. People will either love it, hate it, or get rid of it.

4.    Only give handmade gifts to those who love handmade gifts and appreciate the time and care involved. Other people haven’t got a clue.

5.    If you are worried about getting in and out of the tub, practice while fully dressed. That way you won’t have to worry when someone comes to rescue you. There are very few things more soothing than a bath.

6.    Always try to learn new things

7.    Travel when you can

8.    Enjoy saying No  

9.    Intermittent fasting. At least it keeps a person from late night snacking. So I keep starting it.

10.                           Stop trying every diet.

11.                           Just be sensible about what you eat

12.                           Take your vitamins

13.                           Keep a travel bag packed with toiletries

14.                           Discover the convenience of dry shampoo

15.                           Get rid of the duplicates in your closet and in your kitchen

16.                           Spend your time and your money on the things you care about

17.                           Read a little every day.

18.                           Notice the time you spend online and resolve to streamline it.

19.                           Don’t watch reality tv. You tube videos are fine

20.                           Make your bed every day.

21.                           Buy new products in sample sizes first

22.                           Love is Love

23.                           Stop joining everything. Be more selective.

24.                           Learn something new

25.                           Try not to be involved in so many conversations about poor health and symptoms, and surgeries.

26.                           Remember to understand that parenting is a world away from the ways we did it. Most moms and dads are just trying to do their best.

27.                           Even though we tried to get away from “the fifties housewife”, she has come back.

28.                           As has “70’s furniture”. And "midcentury modern"

29.                           I really want to have some sort of schedule again. Now most things I do are serendipitous.

30.                           We haven’t really lost the ones we love if we still think of them

31.                           After a certain time, our skills don’t get better. Don’t let that stop you from learning new things. But you may need to lower your expectations.

32.                           Enjoy having time to just do nothing

33.                           Remember the thrill of the hunt.

34.                           Find a new favorite author. Or rediscover an old one.

35.                           Listen to audio books

36.                           Label things

37.                           Always order tiramisu if it’s on the menu.

 I'll be back next week with numbers 38 to 75.

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